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Anna Lisa Vegter, 2020, Tears of Healing (detail), anthotype on cotton 

Tears of Healing was part of a mixed media installation that explores a personal narrative around integrating the inner child, memory and identity. Exposing the threads of subconscious emotions using a study of sunlight to see the unseen into the present moment. 

The anthotype process involved using turmeric spice to create a light sensitive emulsion, coating the fabric with this solution and allowing it to dry in darkness, arranging the cutout shapes into narrative formation, and then finally exposing the fabric to sunlight. These exposed areas begin to fade to a lighter colour as the sunlight destroys the pigment, resulting in two distinct elements of colour. 

Site specific tree roots from Kuipto Forrest were installed on either side of the sun prints to imbue memory and association into the piece. This relationship with Kuipto Forrest is linked to experiences of healing, contemplation and creative expansion.


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